About me
Melissa Griffin serves as the Technical Assistance Coordinator with SCPI. In this role, she facilitates the implementation of a tiered framework of supports for early childhood specialists and coordinates service delivery for districts working with SCPI to improve early childhood outcomes and increase access for preschool children with IEPs.
Melissa has over 18 years of experience in the field of early intervention, including leadership and program development. Melissa began her career as an Early Intervention Specialist and progressed into the role of Assistant Director of Early Intervention. Prior to joining SCPI, Melissa served as the Director of Medical Rehabilitation for a pediatric therapy program serving children enrolled in Part C of IDEA and SC Medicaid.
About SCPI
South Carolina Partnerships for Inclusion (SCPI) is an early childhood technical assistance (TA) center focused on increasing inclusive opportunities and school readiness for preschool children with disabilities. SCPI understands that the path to successful adulthood begins with positive early childhood experiences. We reinforce this by partnering with school districts to build local capacity to support all young children and their families to belong and thrive within their communities. We use a professional development model of technical assistance, training, and ongoing support to meet the needs of districts, schools, and educators.