We’re excited to see that you’re planning to attend the 2025 SCECA Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC on February 6-8, 2025 at the Sheraton Hotel and Myrtle Beach Convention Center. We look forward to seeing you there!
The special education itinerant service delivery model is a researched-based service delivery approach that supports high-quality inclusion of young children with disabilities in early childhood programs. The itinerant model supports the premise of IDEA that states “first options considered for preschool children with disabilities are those that would be considered for children without disabilities”. This model gives related service providers and special education teachers the opportunity to work collaboratively with general education classroom teachers and families through consultation and coaching to embed interventions and instruction into everyday activities. This session will highlight topics of massed versus distributed instruction, triadic model of consultation, planning matrix, direct instruction, collaborative meetings and continuum of placement.