We’re excited to see that you’re planning to attend the 2025 SCECA Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC on February 6-8, 2025 at the Sheraton Hotel and Myrtle Beach Convention Center. We look forward to seeing you there!
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Are you passionate about working with young children and shaping their early years of development? If so, "Early Care and Education Environments that Can Work for You" is the perfect training program for you! This comprehensive course equates aspiring child care professionals with the knowledge and skills to create nurturing and effective early care and education environments.
My name is Manija Torian and I have worked and served South Carolina Children and families for over twenty years. I have my Associate Degree in Early Childhood and my Bachelors in Social Welfare. I have worked as a preschool infant teacher all the way up to after schoolers. I have... Read More →
Saturday February 8, 2025 7:00am - 8:00am EST
Ballroom D2101 N. Oak Street, Myrtle Beach, SC
To equip child-care teachers with the knowledge and skills to engage infants and toddlers in meaningful play interactions effectively. Play is a critical component of early childhood development, contributing to cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth. Through this training, participants will learn the importance of play, explore different types of play, and acquire practical strategies to facilitate and enhance play experiences in their classrooms.
El contenido de esta capacitación ayudará a los cuidadores a implementar los mejores procedimientos relacionados con el cambio de pañales y el lavado de manos; también para crear un ambiente de aprendizaje que es saludable y seguro para los niños y los cuidadores.
The content of this training will help caregivers implement best practice procedures for diapering and hand washing; to create a healthy and safe learning environment for children and caregivers.
Joy Huyck Oswald holds a BS in Christian Education from Columbia International University and 21 hours of Graduate courses in Early Childhood Education from the University of South Carolina. She studied Spanish abroad in Costa Rica and Colombia. In 2010, after eight years as an... Read More →
Saturday February 8, 2025 7:00am - 8:00am EST
Rm. 1012101 N. Oak Street, Myrtle Beach, SC
Moments come and go in our lives, learning to accept each moment and learn from it is powerful. This session will focus on building the power of acceptance and skill of empathy for participants. The Conscious Discipline Sophie Books will be utilized to support throughout this session.
A Make and Take Session. Participants will be able to learn about the attributes of being an “Invaluable You!” They will be able to apply the learning in their workplace while correlating the information with growing habits of children.
Dr. Angelia (Angie) Scott has been an educator for over 35 years. Presently she works in Berkeley County as an Assistant Principal and Head Start Site Supervisor at her school. She has worked not only as a classroom teacher but also a Title I Facilitator for BCSD Office of Federal... Read More →
Saturday February 8, 2025 7:00am - 8:00am EST
Rm. 206-2082101 N. Oak Street, Myrtle Beach, SC
Early literacy skills are pivotal in the development of young children, and public libraries are here to help you provide opportunities for growth. Discover how your local library can be a one-stop shop for all your early literacy needs, ranging from staff trainings to story time visits to specific library cards and collections, that are available to you for little to no charge!
Is there a connection between play and behavior? Can behavior in the classroom be improved with fun and interactive activities? In this session, participants will make the connection between age-appropriate play and successful learning. Participants will also apply techniques to support frustrated language learners during engaging times of play. Attendees will leave this session with a plethora of fun and frugal ideas to encourage language learning through play!
Mejorar la seguridad es algo por lo que todos los centros de cuidado infantil trabajan constantemente. En esta capacitación, aprenderá sobre las regulaciones del departamento de licencias para centros de cuidado infantil y lo que significan para mantener seguros a los niños bajo su cuidado. Explorará las normas y desarrollará un manual para mantener las notas sobre las regulaciones. Esta sesión respaldará la meta del estándar de aprendizaje temprano de Carolina del Sur: HPD-8: Los niños desarrollan conciencia de las normas básicas de seguridad y comienzan a seguirlas.
Improving safety is something every child care center business is always working towards. In this session, you will learn about key child care center licensing regulations and what they mean to keep children safe in your care. You will explore the regulations and develop a playbook to maintain child care regulations. This session will support SC Early Learning Standard Goal: HPD-8: Children develop awareness of basic safety rules and begin to follow them.
Joy Huyck Oswald holds a BS in Christian Education from Columbia International University and 21 hours of Graduate courses in Early Childhood Education from the University of South Carolina. She studied Spanish abroad in Costa Rica and Colombia. In 2010, after eight years as an... Read More →
Saturday February 8, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EST
Rm. 206-2082101 N. Oak Street, Myrtle Beach, SC
Improving safety is something every child care center business is always working towards. In this session, you will learn about key child care center licensing regulations and what they mean to keep children safe in your care. You will explore the regulations and develop a playbook to maintain child care regulations. This session will support SC Early Learning Standard Goal: HPD-8: Children develop awareness of basic safety rules and begin to follow them.
From birth, children begin their journey of learning, but it is the intentional scaffolding of their development and self-help skills that truly fosters independence. Guiding children in areas such as feeding, dressing, toileting, cleaning, establishing routines, and encouraging peer support are essential strategies for helping them gain autonomy. This training will provide you with expert tips, practical strategies, and valuable insights on how to scaffold a child's learning to promote independence and self-sufficiency, empowering them with the self-help skills necessary for their growth and development.